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Adding a Returning Staffer Back to BigTime Foresight

Adding a Returning Staffer Back to BigTime Foresight. Process
Adding a Returning Staffer: Step by Step
     Set Up Contract Start Date
     Add Assignments
     Set Up the Correct Status in BigTime

Adding a Returning Staffer Back to BigTime Foresight. Process

In BigTime, it’s possible to set a staffer’s status to “inactive” and reactivate their profile later. This comes in handy if a staffer is taking a temporary, longer-term absence– for instance, parental – and you want to exclude them from your utilization and allocation calculations without fully deleting all their profile data

In BigTime Foresight, this process is called “archiving” a staffer. Let’s say an employee is taking a leave of absence for an extended parental leave. To mark this correctly in the system, as described in the How to Archive a Staffer article, you’ll have  to:

  • set the end date of the staffer's contracts,
  • cut their assignments off, and
  • correctly set the staffer's status as inactive in BigTime.

When the employee returns from a break, you’ll add the following details back to the Foresight system:

  • their contracts,
  • their assignments,
  • their active status in BigTime.

Below, we’ll walk you through how to accomplish the actions above to add a staffer back to Foresight after an extended break. 

Adding a Returning Staffer: Step by Step

Set Up Contract Start Date


Leave BigTime Foresight ➡ Go to BigTime ➡ Click left Sidebar ➡ Go to My Company Tab ➡ Go to Staff List Section ➡ Click the right staffer ➡ Go to Basic Info ➡ Scroll down to Profile and Management Section ➡ Set Up Contract Start Date 


To re-add a staffer’s contract start date, you’ll need to start in BigTime. Log into your BigTime account and open your Staff List (MY COMPANY…STAFF LIST from the main navigation toolbar). Click on your chosen staffer’s profile and visit their BASIC INFO tab. Scroll down to the PROFILE AND MANAGEMENT section and set up their new contract start date under the EMPLOYEE START DATE field. Remember to click the blue SAVE button at the bottom of the staffer’s profile to save your changes.

Add Assignments


Log in to BigTime Foresight ➡ Go to the Team Members Tab  ➡ Find the right staffer  ➡ Go to the Calendar Section  ➡ Click on the Calendar the Create Assignment


You must add your returning staffer’s assignments to the Foresight system. To do so, log into Foresight and go to the TEAM MEMBERS tab in your main navigation sidebar. Open the profile for your returning staffer and click on the CALENDAR tab. Now, follow the steps in this article to create a new assignment. 

Set Up the Correct Status in BigTime


Leave BigTime Foresight ➡ Go to BigTime ➡ Click left Sidebar ➡ Go to My Company Tab ➡ Go to Staff List Section ➡ Click the right staffer ➡ Go to Basic Info ➡ Scroll down to Profile and Management Section ➡ Set Up the proper active status in the Status Field


Finally, you’ll need to change your staffer’s status to reflect their return to work for your firm. This can be accomplished in BigTime, so navigate back to BigTime first and open your staff list (MY COMPANY…STAFF LIST from your main navigation toolbar). Open the profile of your returning staffer and go to the BASIC INFO tab. Under the PROFILE AND MANAGEMENT section, Change the staffer's status to one NOT marked with the Items Attached To This Status Are Inactive checkbox in the settings. The name of this status will vary depending on your organization because it is a configurable field.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added a staffer back to both BigTime and Foresight and can begin forecasting demand and assignments with them in mind.


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